World Week for a respected birth 2011

These days, From May 15 to 22, the World Week of Respected Birth 2011 is celebrated, an initiative of AFAR (Alliance Francophone pour l'Accouchement Respecté), an opportunity to learn about international opinions on this matter that has an important space in our blog.

World Week for a respected birth takes place every year during the month of May. Objectives and ideas are proposed to be carried out according to a common motto, which this year refers to the mother's freedom of decision, the place and the company chosen for childbirth:

For the right to give birth and be born as you want, wherever and with whomever you want.

This celebration has been a good opportunity since 2004 to work internationally, organizations and people that come together in the world to promote a dignified and respected birth, in which the pregnant woman is the protagonist, along with the baby that comes and the family that accompanies them.

These are claims that have been on the lips of women and many professionals who advocate for a respected birth for decades, but as we have seen, they are not always easily achieved.

Multiple activities are planned in different countries to celebrate World Week for a respected birth 2011, in Spain, in Argentina, Mexico ... An opportunity to make the voice of those who claim better conditions for the births of our babies heard.

Official Site | Smar In Babies and more | June 7, World Day of the Rights of the Birth, Rights of the mothers at the time of giving birth and feeding their babies, Video: rights of the birth, World Week of the respected childbirth 2010, Video: rights of the women for a respected birth

Video: WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 133 - Born Again (July 2024).