A company offers a baby check to its workers

Baby check, as commented in recent times, was a measure that helped parents manage a little better with the arrival of a child. With the crisis, the Spanish Government decided to suppress this aid, but a company has decided to give a baby check to its workers and may the son come with that little bread under his arm.

The company is Giacomini Spain, an industry in the faucet sector that employs more than 800 workers. The employees of the usual Giacomini distributors who are parents this year will see their family burdens somewhat relieved thanks to this initiative, which has effects from last January 1 until December 31, 2011.

This initiative arises when the company's technical-commercial team considered finding proposals that would help improve the lives of people who work with them, beyond the strictly commercial ones.

The "Giacomini Baby Check" It consists of a gift of 500 euros to celebrate the birth of the son born during this 2011, of the working father or mother of the company.

People who meet the conditions described on their website must send by mail to Giacomini España S.L. a request form along with the photocopy of the baby's birth certificate or family book and other documents that are specified. Discounting taxes, the net amount received by the winner will be 405 euros.

This initiative is in addition to other measures that have been carried out in different companies, such as childcare at work or childcare checks that always come in handy to reconcile family and work life. We have already seen that the Catalan Government also announced financial aid to families, and in some communities they have also been granted.

They are not the 2500 euros of the baby check that until recently there was in Spain, but it is clear that all aid is welcome, and surely Giacomini company parents who receive the baby check for their children They will give you a joy. Hopefully this business policy that takes into account family situations serves as an example in many other jobs.

Official Site | Giacomini
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