Safety recommendations with toys

Security in games and toys is a topic that worries us on the blog, and on several occasions we have talked about tips for choosing safe toys and those that can be dangerous or have been recalled.

We come back with safety recommendations with toysWell, many times we think that any game or toy is good for our children, but it is not always the case.

Buy an unapproved toy, assemble it, use it or store it incorrectly, disregard the recommended age ... There are many factors that could cause A toy will no longer be safe and will be a danger to our children or for us

The Child Injury Safety and Prevention Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has prepared a document that lists the safety recommendations with toys, some very interesting points to consider, ranging from purchase to conservation of toys.

Safety recommendations regarding toys

  • You should always buy toys appropriate to the child's age and abilities. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Buy the toys in trusted stores and, whenever possible, with the CE seal that indicates that the toy complies with European safety regulations.
  • Save the purchase ticket or invoice In case you have to make a claim.
  • Always assemble the toy following the manufacturer's instructions and store them in a safe place.
  • Do not forget to throw away all the packaging as soon as possible. Prevent children from playing with plastics (they could suffocate).
  • Do not let young children play with balloons. If they explode, remove the remaining pieces as soon as possible.
  • Do not buy toys with darts or arrows for young children.
  • Parts used by children under 36 months should not be less than 4.4 cm.
  • Supervise the child during the game. Young children should not be alone, and we can also accompany them in their game.
  • Teach him to keep them once the game is over and do it in a safe place (box, trunk, shelves, chest, etc.). Avoid accidents due to trips.
  • Use safety measures when they exist (helmets, protectors, etc.). For example, by bicycle you always have to drive safely.
  • Periodically check toys for damage (splinters, loose parts, loose eyes on dolls, battery covers, etc.)
  • Wash the "stuffed animals" with some frequency. These toys can accumulate bacteria, transmit diseases if they are shared, accumulate dust and cause allergies ...
  • Watch the video games your child uses. Here you have the advice for a responsible and informed purchase of video games.
  • Prevent children from spending more than two hours a day playing with a game console. The abusive use of these games favors obesity, sedentary lifestyle, isolation, violence and poor school performance. Like almost everything, it can be harmful in excess, so we invite you to offer some different options to avoid being attached to video games.

Gifts are always appreciated, but it would not be bad if many family and friends had known some of these recommendations before making certain gifts to the kids, right? Especially those referring to recommended ages (and incidentally save the purchase ticket for changes ...).

We remind you that the Toy Guide 2010-2011, carried out by the Toy Technology Institute, which shows the most appropriate and safe toys for each age is still in force.

Surely there we find the perfect toy for our children, without forgetting the simplest, cheapest and safest: ourselves. But it's always good to consider the safety recommendations with toys, that we too can enjoy with them.

Video: Baby toys 0-12 months: Favorites and toy safety tips (July 2024).