Surrogacy: Spain closes the door to the registration of babies born through rental bellies in Ukraine

Surrogacy is a practice that is not legal in Spain, so many couples travel abroad to realize their dream of being parents. After the United States, Ukraine is the country with the most births of babies of Spanish parents registered by means of rental bellies, where costs are considerably lower compared to other countries.

But it can no longer be so in the future, or if so it will have to be by other means, since the Embassy of Spain in Kiev will not authorize new records of registration of children born through surrogacy.

This was announced this morning on his Facebook profile after the announcement of the Ministry of Justice that the instruction that formalized the registration with DNA tests in this country was without effect.

In Babies and moreMore than twenty families cannot register their babies born in Ukraine through surrogacy

Since 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly discourages the initiation of a surrogacy process abroad, and especially in Ukraine, due to possible irregularities in that country, such as scams, bad praxis and poor medical control during pregnancy.

Currently there are still pending processes of families trapped in Kiev who cannot leave the country because they cannot register their babies at the consulate and get their passports to travel back home.

There are 39 files among which are cases of babies already born and others to be born, which the Spanish Government has announced that will be resolved, but from now on the door is closed to future registrations that would remain in the hands of the Ukrainian authorities.

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The associations that reunite the families by surrogate pregnancy consider that they do not allow to register the children of Spanish parents in countries where it is a legal and regulated practice, breaches the doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

So far, about 300 baby births born in Ukraine by surrogacy have been registered every year, a service only available to married heterosexual couples who can prove they cannot have children or whose pregnancy is a risk.

As of now, following the Government's decision, the future for couples wishing to start a surrogacy process in Kiev is uncertain. The only option for subsequent cases would be to process a travel document or Ukrainian passport for minors that allows them to travel to Spain and once here carry out the relevant procedures to obtain Spanish nationality. A process that could take years.

In Babies and more The scandal of BioTexCom, the Ukrainian surrogate maternity clinic investigated for possible document falsehood, tax crime and baby trafficking

Video: test (June 2024).