Frequently asked questions in the first trimester of pregnancy (I)

You just learned that you are pregnant and the questions and doubts begin to appear. Normal, whatever age you are, it is the first time you become pregnant and it is the first time that you will feel changes in your body and symptoms derived from pregnancy.

Given this situation it may be useful to know the answers to what are usually the Frequently asked questions in pregnancy and, to start, we offer you the ones that usually appear in first trimester (something like a F.A.Q. of pregnancy).

Until a few days ago we focused on answering some questions that started with “when,” talking only about the maturation of babies, and from this post we will talk only about the changes and experiences of pregnant women.

When does a pregnant woman start to gain weight?

Some women start to gain weight right away, almost at the same moment they find out they are pregnant. Others instead take longer to start earning and some even lose weight.

Lose weight while pregnant?

Yes, it sounds strange, but it happens in some women. The reason for this loss is usually nausea and discomfort, which make women have little desire to approach the table to eat and / or increased metabolism (the body consumes more calories).

What changes will my body suffer with pregnancy?

Although there are few changes externally in the first quarter, internally there are many variations:

  • The metabolism increases between 10 and 25%: The whole body works at one (or two) more marches and this causes more calories to be consumed (and that some women lose weight at the beginning, as we have already commented).
  • The pulse and cardiac functioning increases by up to 40%: this happens because now, in addition to having to carry blood to your body, it must carry blood to the placenta and consequently to the fetus.
  • Increase the respiratory rate: this is an adaptation to the new situation. When the metabolism is accelerated, more carbon dioxide is produced in the body and it must be eliminated through the lungs. In addition, as there is now more blood to mobilize, more oxygen is necessary and therefore Increase the respiratory rate.
  • The muscle fibers of the uterus increase in thickness and length: the uterus begins to prepare to increase in size as the baby grows.
  • Breasts become sensitive and begin to increase in size: breast change is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, for which many women end up suspecting (or confirming) that they are.

What are the most frequent pregnancy symptoms?

Every woman is different and not all suffer the same symptoms. There are even women who suffer certain symptoms with one pregnancy and then, in the next, they have different symptoms. In any case The most common and frequent symptoms are:

  • Tiredness: as the metabolism, heart rate and breathing accelerate the body ends up taking its toll and The most normal is for women to notice more fatigue than before pregnancy.
  • Nausea and vomiting: there may be nausea without vomiting. In any case it is one of the most common symptoms (and the typical one that indicates in the movies that a woman has become pregnant ... you see her vomit and you immediately think "she is pregnant fixed").
  • Constipation: hormonal changes make the digestive system works somewhat more slowly. This makes many women suffer from constipation.
  • Frequent need to urinate: as the uterus dilates the bladder is compressed and the feeling of need to urinate appears earlier than usual.
  • Cravings and disgust for certain foods: once again the hormonal changes make their own by modifying the body. In future entries we will talk about it.
  • Changes in the breasts: the chest begins to change and the mammary gland to mature to prepare for breastfeeding.
  • Fainting or dizziness: closely related to tiredness. The body sometimes finds itself in a state in which it cries out for rest and rest.

Could you change my mood with pregnancy?

You are right. In the same way that many women suffer mood swings when they have menstruation women may also suffer variations once they get pregnant, because the hormonal system modifies your body affecting emotions. It is possible to see an irritable pregnant woman, wanting to cry and also cheerful and happy.

To be continue…

In a few days we continue with the Frequently asked questions in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy - What could be the reasons for bleeding in the first trimester? BMI Healthcare (July 2024).