The support of health workers is essential for mothers to start breastfeeding with confidence and security

Have informed health professionals who advise mothers about breastfeeding and support them in decision making, promotes breastfeeding success and enhances the development of the attachment relationship between the mother and the newborn.

These have been the conclusions of the symposium on "breastfeeding in hospitals" organized by the company Medela, and attended by more than 200 professionals related to the field of health.

The mother needs support with breastfeeding from the delivery

Breastfeeding is the best food for the baby, and the benefits it brings both short and long term are incalculable. And although breastfeeding is a natural act and for which the baby is born prepared, it is essential that the mother has an important support network that offers security and information before possible doubts and setbacks that may arise.

In Babies and more Protect breastfeeding from the delivery: the new decalogue of WHO and UNICEF In this sense, doctors, nurses and midwives are the ones who can first reach out to the recent mother. But for this they must be duly informed, and possess the communication and empathy skills that are required in these delicate and early moments.

What can healthcare professionals do so that breastfeeding starts well?

Dr. Adolfo Gómez Papí, a neonatologist at the Joan XIII University Hospital in Tarragona, defended this model of health care during the symposium, claiming that the professionals of the maternity units should focus their efforts on the breastfeeding training, empathy, active listening and positive reinforcement.

Promote skin-to-skin contact

The first step to start breastfeeding well, is to promote early skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby. And is that promoting the attachment of the mother with her newborn from the first hours of life, helps the establishment of breastfeeding, since a greater amount of oxytocin is released into the bloodstream causing the rise of milk.

That is why it is so important that doctors and midwives become aware of the importance of not separating the mother from her baby, and help foster early contact between them.

Listen and understand mothers

To support mothers to embrace breastfeeding, healthcare professionals should take into account multiple changes experienced by the woman's body after giving birth, as well as the emotional changes that they live, and that can cause them greater insecurity.

In addition, it is often common for mothers to face false expectations regarding parenting and breastfeeding, and the judgment of third parties during the first few days. This pressure can affect your confidence, so it is important that medical staff empathize with the recent mom, praising his parenting model and applauding the small steps he takes.

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"We try to create a climate of warmth and trust, we dedicate all the time they need, we empathize with their feelings, concerns and doubts, we praise everything they are doing well, we value the take to the chest and make suggestions that contribute to solve their doubts "- argues Dr. Gómez Papi.

Offer a personalized breastfeeding counseling

It is also important that doctors and nurses do not only worry about the health status of the baby and the mother after delivery, but witness breastfeeding to detect possible problems, verify or correct the position of breastfeeding, nipple grip and suction, and answer the mothers' questions.

Likewise, it is important to know the different protocols that exist according to the needs of each newborn, and to facilitate the mothers' understanding of the behavior of their babies.

Equally, there are babies that require special attention in breastfeedingAs an example, late premature babies with difficulties in breastfeeding, babies with some kind of disease or infection, or newborns with jaundice.

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The symposium organized by Medela also spoke of hyperdemandant children, who are those babies who require almost continuous contact with the mother, are more uneasy and to whom the work of breastfeeding counseling is essential.

There is also another category defined by the neonatologist as "barracuda children", which includes those newborns who are voracious in taking milk, and who breastfeed without pause for ten to 20 minutes, waking up almost always with hunger.

In summary, the work of advising mothers by experts, as well as the training in breastfeeding of students of medicine, nursing, psychology and nutrition, it is essential for breastfeeding to begin on the right foot from the hospital.

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Video: Breastfeeding 101 (July 2024).