New medicine for seizures

Febrile seizures are common in 6-month-old babies to 5-year-old children. Now there a new medicine to stop seizures, which is administered more simply than the previous ones.

Despite how alarming the seizures are, the child usually recovers completely and there will be no impact. Almost all febrile seizures give up on their own in a few minutes, so few children need to receive any medication.

Although the parents of children with seizures are calmer when they have medication at home to administer when they do not stop on their own.

And it is that the seizures are manifested in a very spectacular way: the child suffers a loss of consciousness, remains stiff, with blank eyes, purple lips, it seems that he does not breathe, the heart beats very fast and has shaking of the Arms and legs

The drug used so far was diazepam in rectal microenema and, for a short time, the midazolam administered intranasally, with an atomizer that is placed on the tip of a syringe.

This system is simpler, accessible and comfortable for all children, and although it seems that it is not yet for sale in pharmacies, the new seizure medication It may be a better option for parents and children who suffer.

Video: New Therapies Cut Seizures in People with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. UCLA Health (July 2024).