Play with the baby according to your mood

The games at night of my husband with my baby, when he wants to play with her because he has not seen her all day and she just wants to go to sleep, have motivated me to write this post. It is not an attack on my husband, who suffers a lot from not seeing her in the week, but a reflection with which you may feel identified. I think you have to play with the baby according to your mood.

You have to respect the baby like any other person, be it a child or an adult. We should adapt the games to your mood at all times. As happens to all of us, the baby has its moments for everything. He likes to play, but maybe he is not willing to do it at any time of the day. When you are very sleepy, you most likely just want to sleep, and even if you make us a fulfilling smile, what you want is to be wrapped and rest.

At night, after your bath, your massage session and your food, what you usually want is to sleep, or if we do not see it for the work anyway we provide a calm climate that propitiates sleep. Babies, unlike most adults, can change their mood from one moment to another. Whereupon, if we excite you with energetic and lively games at bedtime, you may accept them willingly but you will go to sleep altered.

Being a playmate is a matter of two. Both the adult and the baby have to enjoy mutual company. If the baby feels like playing energetically, with jumps, laughs and tickles, perfect. You will enjoy playing with your own body and discovering new sensations and skills.

Now, when the child is calm, he will want a quieter game. Otherwise you will be scared or feel "mistreated." Nobody likes tickling when you are not in the mood for them. If the baby is cuddly, he will want to rest in affectionate arms, and when he feels tired or hungry he will want to sleep or be fed.

The game should be a rewarding experience for the baby, because through it he entertains, but also learns, interacts with his environment and interacts with others. Respect your moods when playing It is also a way to meet your emotional needs.

Video: Watch FUNNY BABY FACE Videos To IMPROVE Your Mood - Funniest Baby Compilation 2018 (July 2024).