Ten benefits of child physical activity

Our rhythm of life means that sometimes we spend too much time sitting or lying in front of a screen and getting lost the benefits of physical activity. Children are also affected by this way of life, so many hours in front of television or at school, although fortunately at school it is the places where they perform most physical activity.

That sport and those games played at school should extend to other times of the day, not only on weekends, which is when parents generally can spend more time with them, but every day, alone, with us, with other children.

Sport or physical activity must be practiced as a game, individually or in groups, interacting with classmates and in a usual way. If we get the children to be on the move, while having fun, they receive numerous benefits.

The advantages of practicing exercise are both physical and emotional, they are known and you have been endorsed by numerous studies throughout history. We highlight ten benefits of child physical activity that remind us that our children should play sports.

  • The child relates to his peers, other children or adults, understanding the rules of the game and experimenting. He becomes more collaborative and less individual, recognizing and respecting his peers.
  • The child learns (sometimes little by little) to overcome shyness, and expand their mechanisms of social relationship and self-confidence and confidence.
  • In group sport the child Learn to acquire responsibilities and cooperate.
  • Physical activity can slow the excessive impulses of children who still do not know how to control excess nerves or energy.
  • It produces an improvement and an increase in the child's motor possibilities, coordinated movements, strength ...
  • Physical activity contributes to proper maturation of the muscular and skeletal system. Strong bones and muscles are the basis for proper growth.
  • It promotes the creation of healthy habits, from the practice of exercise to healthy eating or proper body hygiene, issues to which parents should contribute to our example and teachings.
  • Together with a balanced diet, exercise contributes to body weight regulation, avoiding obesity, one of the greatest ills of childhood of our time.
  • Exercise also improves cardiovascular functions. Therefore, it helps prevent certain degenerative diseases such as arteriosclerosis, closely related to cardiovascular diseases.
  • And, perhaps the most important thing for the child himself, that encourages him to continue practicing exercise, is that the child has fun considering physical activity or sport as a game, in which competition and demands are at a level Less than enjoyment.

Since they are babies, parents can promote physical activity (logically limited and with our help at the beginning), and as our children grow we can encourage and accompany them in their first physical activities, from crawling to learning to jump, then expanding playing field with us and other children.

Finally they will be prepared for group play without the intervention of adults, but this is only achieved if we complete the previous steps. And, in any case, playing with them, no matter how old they are, is always a positive experience for everyone and a delicious, fun and healthy way to spend family time.

We, with my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, are encouraging her to start the game-exercise with other children, in the park, something she seems to enjoy more every day. Although we also try to run, jump or roll a little every day with her, and do some visit to the pool. The good weather favors the practice of outdoor exercise, and surely the whole family appreciates it.

It's worth it because, as we see, the benefits of children's physical activity they are varied and essential for a good development not only physical but also psychic, contributing to strengthen the child's personality and important values ​​for life in society.

Video: Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School (July 2024).