Symptoms of hearing loss in the baby

A few days ago we were excited to see the face of a deaf baby to hear the voice of his mother for the first time, so it has occurred to me to deepen how we can detect hearing problems in newborns, something that sometimes goes unnoticed. Which are the symptoms of hearing loss in the baby.

Approximately 3 out of every 1,000 newborn children have some degree of hearing loss. It can be mild, moderate or deep and can be suffered in one or both ears.

It is difficult to detect ear problems in a newborn baby, however, parents should be aware of certain signs that could indicate an abnormality.

Although rare, a timely detection of a hearing problem allows treatment to begin before the stage of language and communication is conditioned.

The symptoms of hearing loss they can be, for example:

0 to 6 months

  • That the baby does not startle at a very loud noise
  • That the baby does not calm down with the voice of the mother
  • That the baby does not respond to familiar voices or the sound of toys (rattles, mobiles, etc.)
  • That the baby does not direct the look or turn the head when we talk to him

6 to 12 months

  • That the baby does not imitate or try to imitate sounds
  • That the baby does not react when spoken to

At 12 months

  • That the baby does not locate the origin of a sound
  • That the baby does not respond to his name

At 15 months

  • That the baby is not able to point or recognize objects or people
  • That the baby is not able to understand simple orders

At 24 months

  • That the child does not pronounce simple 2-word sentences or does not answer simple questions

Video: My baby has a hearing loss - what next? (July 2024).