Dads and moms blogs (XVII)

Today, like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with some interesting topics that we have been able to read this week on moms and dads blogs.

This week Mom without complexes It brings us several interesting topics, among which the one referring to the education we show and teach our children and the problem that happens if education shines through its absence has caught my attention. Speak loudly, do not give way, push ... sure you hear many of the situations described.

In the blog of Lola-tal for which We know that your child will start English classes at age five, and there is a reflection on the most appropriate age to learn languages ​​and the opinions of experts in this regard.

My never ever It is a blog that lately tells the experiences of little Leo in the first person. In I am not colorblind we see Leo's latest achievements, what is expected of him and what has not come, his tastes when it comes to cartoons ... and his passion for the green and red lights of the traffic lights.

In I arrive at the end of the month We find practical advice that favors the family economy, and in this case they tell us how to save in the supermarket parapharmacy with certain baby products that are cheaper than in the pharmacy, such as physiological serum, diapers or certain food products.

The touch of humor has put it The housewife man in Pippi in the operating room, a story of a broken doll with a happy ending. How many times do we have to act as surgeons and assemble as good as we can the pieces of the children's favorite dolls!

Finally, I refer you to With the tit we have encountered, that in The Hell of the first month tells us the recent and happy birth of a friend of his and how this one falls within a few days because of doubts, fears and hormones ... La Teta Reina, which is what the mother calls herself write the blog, remember how the same thing happened to her after having her baby, and surely many other moms are also familiar with the situation.

This has been ours weekly compilation of dads and moms blogs. Next week we will return with more interesting topics.

Video: Top of the BLOGS! #61: Rihanna vs. Teyana, Lamar vs. Daddy, I Dream of Nene, and more stuff (July 2024).