Legumes in infant feeding

In our review of foods that should not be missing in the Infant nutrition today we reach the legumes, a staple in the diet of all cultures and that had been one of the pillars of the very healthy Mediterranean diet until very recently, but that have gradually been parked to give more importance to other foods, such as meats or fish.

But legumes They are very valuable and should not be lacking in the diet of any person, especially that of children, as they are very rich sources of iron, vitamins, slowly absorbed hydrates, fiber and proteins, not including saturated fats, of which so bad It is abuse. They also contain copper, calcium and folic acid.

In general, it is strongly recommended to reduce our consumption of animal proteins, both for reasons of sustainability and for health reasons, so that legumes begin to be considered again very healthy and valuable foods, which we can either consume daily or, at Less, three times a week.

We usually consider vegetables we already eat dried fruits, and those that are consumed green, such as peas, green beans and beans, we take them as vegetables.

The vegetables they are the fruits of leguminous plants, and they have been cultivated by a great variety of cultures, being, together with cereals, the first vegetables that were cultivated thousands of years ago in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Legumes can be introduced, in general, from the age of six months, but avoiding at the beginning using them with skin, since this is too rich in fiber for the intestines of the little ones.

The vegetables What we usually consume are lentils, beans and chickpeas. Currently, soy has taken a very important and controversial role in food, since it is not only taken directly, but is included in a way that we do not perceive in many preparations.

We will talk about each legume in detail in the following topics, making a more detailed analysis of its nutrients, disadvantages and advantages, as well as the appropriate date for its introduction. They are also legumes, although we are not aware of this lupins and peanuts.

Video: Yes Yes Vegetables Song. CoCoMelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (July 2024).