One in four children is a supercatador

Does your child like fruits and vegetables little? Does it seem as if I live the flavors of food too intense? Do you prefer to eat things with little sugar? If you answered yes to these questions it is possible that your child is a supercatador.

We all assume that there are people who have some of the senses more developed than other people. There are people who have the "very fine ear", or who have a privileged vision. There are even those who have a highly developed nose. Taste is one of the senses that had offered less difference so far, probably because it had not been studied too much and, nevertheless, it is being seen that there are people with taste capacities much more developed than others.

A fairly high percentage of the population, no less than 25%, is considered a supercatador, which is the same as saying that it has more taste buds than other people and that some flavors may sometimes seem too intense and therefore annoying.

Taste buds

Taste buds are the taste receptor cells, which are found throughout the mouth, but are concentrated mainly in the upper part of the tongue and even more at the edges.

When we chew the food, it dissolves and enters the papillae where a nerve impulse is produced and sent to the brain.

In general terms, it is said that a person's sensitivity to a certain flavor depends on the number of taste buds he has.

There are people who have about 500 papillae in total and there are others that can have up to 10,000. The latter are those that are considered supercatadoras.

What does being a supercatator mean

The word sounds "super," to power, to virtue, however, although having an overdeveloped taste may be an advantage in some aspects, in others it is a problem.

Supercatadores need half the sugar that other people to sweeten their coffee. This means that when they eat sweet things, they notice them extremely cloying.

With regard to spicy, they also have certain problems with them, since the sensation of a spicy dish is multiplied in their palates.

Something similar happens with bitter flavors, for which you also notice an increase in sensitivity, as well as those that contain many fats.

As an element in favor, it could be said that, by not accepting sweet foods too much and by rejecting fatty foods, they are people with IMCs (body mass index) very correct, that is, they are usually thin.

Other types of language

In the same way it has been discovered that there are children (and adults) supercatadores, the existence of non-tasting people has been typified, which are those with very few taste buds.

To recap, people differ in their types of language in: non tasters (25%), tasters (50%) and supercatadores (the remaining 25%).

Languages ​​and eating habits

The discovery of the existence of differences in papilla density could be related to eating habits.

The supercatadores they are, as we have said, more sensitive to fatty foods and react negatively to the taste of many fruits and vegetables.

In contrast, non-tasters, not reacting to fats or sweets in a negative way, are children who are more likely to be obese.

Video: Four Children Plus One (July 2024).