Should Social Security pay for home birth?

Today my reflection reaches the home delivery, something normally included in the medical benefits of the most advanced countries, and I ask you if you think that Home birth should be paid by Social Security.

Childbirth is a natural occurrence in the human being, and today we know that for it to happen normally it is very important that the woman feels safe and free, powerful, owner of what she does, but also, of course, accompanied by a professional who can intervene if necessary or determine medical actions if there are problems.

More and more women who, in Spain, opt for a home birth, safe with the care of midwives or gynecologists committed to the home delivery. However, Health does not cover this care, unlike other European countries even more advanced than ours, and they must pay out-of-pocket professional fees, although it is clearly defined that home birth in much cheaper than one in a hospital.

Women, and in that I have no doubt, are the owners of their body and, having an essential security, they must decide the shape, posture and place to give birth.

Birth at home is safe, moreover, it is safer for any delivery without complications as long as the parturient is not afraid, because the conditions of privacy and freedom are guaranteed and a qualified professional guarantees care.

The genetic program for childbirth in the human species has requirements regarding emotional conditions that are very difficult to meet in a hospital setting, especially for a woman who prefers to give birth at home.

The scientific studies that have analyzed it reveal that give birth at homeIn normal deliveries, it does not add risks, and therefore other countries include it in their health benefits with absolute normality. When there are no risk factors, childbirth can be outside the hospital and that is a right of the mother and the baby, so, in our country, according to my point of view, it should be free, just like the hospital.

My opinion is that home birth, when medically possible, should be a right of women paid for by social security.

I am very interested to know the opinion of our readers regarding this issue, so I ask you if you think that Home birth should be paid by Social Security

Video: Is our child legal? Birth certificate + Social security number for unassisted home birth (July 2024).