Tyl Tyl theater baby cycle

From this Sunday, October 25, and until December 13, at the theater Tyl Tyl begins a theater cycle for babies and children from six months to five years. These are works designed to stimulate their cognitive development, in which music, dance, theater and plastic intermingle to delight the little ones.

Six different works will be represented. The cycle begins this Sunday with "Now", a new version of the Ugly Duckling with live music of different instruments and voices. The theater is an ideal way to stimulate the senses of the little ones, because they witness a fantasy story that takes place before their eyes.

For babies there are specifically designed creations, focused on maintaining their attention. With this idea he was born 25 years ago the company Tyl Tyl, dedicated to the performing art for children and young people and where babies occupy a privileged place.

For the Tyl Tyl theater, music is one of the basic ingredients of all its productions. In the case of babies, in addition, it becomes the link to awaken their senses. As we see, it is never too early to approach a stage ...

It is a company with a lot of experience, since it has made more than 6,000 performances being present in theaters throughout Spain and in international festivals. It is a pity that at this time we cannot access the company's website, because I have been curious to know what other works they will represent.

He Tyl Tyl theater baby cycle it will be in Navalcarnero (Madrid), and it is developed with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and the Community of Madrid. We will be attentive to this theater for babies.

Video: Tyler Fernengel's 2018 Video (July 2024).