Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

One more week we bring you a summary with the most interesting that we have found in the moms and dads blogs during these last days.

To start I bring you a blog post from a mom who gave us her address so that we could see it in the summary a few weeks ago. It's about the blog TWO flip flops mom and in it we have been able to see a funny video of his daughter Ale flatly refusing to put on the jacket, with which many dads and moms will feel identified (to give a kiss to the camera at the end of the video).

In the blog Four in family we have seen Teresa and Francesc making two beautiful murals dedicated to Autumn (the image of the entrance is Francesc's mural).

In Zgz - Pro Natural Birth We have been able to read an interesting analysis about the use of the pacifier, how it interferes with breastfeeding and what some studies on the subject say.

In Those crazy little ones We have been able to read an interesting conclusion about treats: too many treats can foster violence.

In Pampering and tit We have been able to read a brief (but very good) story entitled "Las endivias al roquefort" in which a man lives in his own meats the routines in the form of schedules that were recommended some time ago when feeding babies - you know, every 3 hours and 10 minutes in each chest - whose author is unknown.

In Natural family, we have been able to read for several entries the experiences of a mother who was expecting a child and after 10 weeks of pregnancy undergoes a miscarriage. Very interesting and very easy to put on your skin because of the way it explains it. I still have ruffled hair.

Finally I bring you one of the blogs that we comment in this section, The alternative blog, where we have been able to read 82 wise advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter to travel the path of Life, surely more than one will serve more than one advice.

And that's all for today. It only remains to remind you that if you are a dad or mom with a blog where you talk about your children or young children or motherhood, we invite you to share it with us through the comments to take it into account in future summaries.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).