"The bad mothers club"

The bad mothers club“It is a book by the author Lucía Etxebarría and Goyo Bustos. It is about that feeling that all mothers have of always being criticized, of feeling judged and attacked by everyone around us.

They blame us whatever the decision we make. If we breastfeed, the child will stay hungry or we will add it, they tell us. If we do not give it, it seems that we are selfish and do not give them the best. Anyone seems to feel entitled to make us feel bad mothers, no matter how much love and determination we put in the care of our little ones.

We are guilty of jokers and vague if we stay at home to take care of them. We are denatured if we want to continue with our career or simply have to work.

It matters little that we make these decisions consciously and informally, giving our children all our care, seeking in this society so unkind to femininity and motherhood a way to survive.

If our children do not have perfect behavior at all times, it is our fault for impolishing them, spoiling them or being serious. If you do not get good grades or have a problem at school, it will be the mother's fault, overprotective or rigid. But the blame, inexorable, we always drop it and also, we carry it. All, in one way or another, we have entered this club, “The bad mothers club“.

There was even a time when mothers of autistic children were accused of being the cause of their problem with one of those psychological pseudo-therapies. And that caused much more damage than I will mention in this article, but that I keep for the future.

All, in short, we feel that they call us bad mothers, but all, in one way or another, we fit into that damn label they put us on and let us put on. A "bad mother" says it, in the eyes of many. I care to be a good mother in the eyes of my son, his look says it all, he is happy and I do my best to find his way, his own way, our way. '

You, surely you once felt in that “bad mothers club“Leave those labels behind. Mothers fight to get the best for our children. We are good mothers, with a bottle or with a tit, working outside or at home, married or single. Let's not let them judge us, we don't feel judged.

I have felt very identified with this work. Surely you, "bad mothers“Good mothers, too.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).