Baked spinach and eggs. Recipe for pregnant women

Yes Popeye He ate them in cans to save Olivia from the clutches of Brutus, we do not need anyone to rescue us, we will eat the baked spinach with eggs, so because yes, because they are very rich, and because they will also give us an extra in a couple of things that will make us feel great for pregnancy.

A serving of spinach provides the body with more vitamin A and folic acid than it requires daily, in addition to a large amount of vitamin B, C, E, calcium, iron and magnesium.

The 4 diners ingredients

1 kilo of frozen spinach, 4 eggs, olive oil, 1 tablespoons of margarine, 8 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs, 1/2 liter of béchamel, salt and pepper.

Baked spinach and egg preparation

Cook the spinach with a little water, when they are ready, drain them and put them in a pan with a splash of oil, salt and pepper and sauté until they begin to brown, just then add 4 tablespoons of grated cheese and stir it. We put the spinach in a lightly greased baking dish, we extend them and we make some holes where we are going to lay the eggs.

We preheat the oven to 200º

To the still hot bechamel we add 2 tablespoons of grated cheese, mix and reserve hot.

We shell the eggs and dump them on the spinach trying to remain in the hollow of the spinach bed that we have reserved.

We water it all with the béchamel sauce and sprinkle it with some grated cheese and the rest of the grated cheese.

Bake for about 15 minutes, or until the egg white is curdled.


We serve the baked spinach with eggs very hot

If we do not want the egg yolks to dry out too much, we can throw a little oil over it.

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