Christmas with children: more than 50 DIY ideas for the invisible friend

It is already tradition for many groups of friends and even families, celebrate the "invisible friend" to make gifts at Christmas. It's a good way for everyone to have a gift, without having to go crazy and shop for everyone.

And best of all, the gift for the invisible friend is usually very special and thought, and Allow children to participate. They love!

We propose you some simple and original ideas that you can do together and thus surprise your invisible friends.

What is the invisible friend?

It is very simple. At the next dinner or meal you have together, everyone writes their name on paper and they put everything in a box or a hat, for example.

Then an innocent hand stirs them and each one takes a paper. The name that appears to you is that of your invisible friend; that is, to whom you have to give a gift from the heart.

The rules may vary, as agreed by the group of participants:

  • Present. It establishes a minimum and maximum of money that will be invested in buying the gift from the invisible friend.

  • Handmade gift. This is a very kind and loving variety, perfect for children.

  • Gift and pampering. Since it is decided who your invisible friend is, you should treat him with special care, without him noticing. Of course children can participate! Obeying the first, setting the table or making your room without anyone sending it to you ... or simply giving hugs and kisses, which we all like.

And on the day set to deliver the surprises, you start at the side of the table and give the gift to whoever corresponds. And so on. It is usually a fun and emotional time.

You sign up? Well, if the bug bites you, here are a few options to help your children prepare their manual gift, without ever revealing who their invisible friend is. And here you have another plus of this peculiar party: spend a fun time with your family doing crafts.

Five simple and very cheap ideas

A lollipop, which is a brooch; a pole that hides a notebook; a unique bracelet, with pendant included; a hairband, or a cactus to store coins. They are quick gifts to make, although for some steps, children will need the help of dad and mom.

16 very original love cards

You will find the perfect occasion to show your love to your invisible friend, but there are also options for any time. There are cards with relive, with 3D pop-art, with surprise message, scratch and discover, shaped like a cube-game, origami… Let your imagination fly and choose the message to include! They will succeed.

Three keychains very resultones

All adults carry keys, so this is a useful gift always.

The possibilities are to design a letter with rubber-eva, a heart of pins or straws, or a keychain (or pendant) of the Turkish eye, made with flexible paste. They will enjoy modeling with their hands!

15 Christmas gifts that will surprise

A pineapple with chocolate that also serves to toast? A cardboard photo camera that reveals images of happy moments together? And the icing on the cake: ideas to wrap all these gifts and present them. You will want to appropriate some occasional proposal to give to your invisible friend!

Fishing game

You will only need paper, pencil, thread, rubber-eva, a small stick, a mini-magnet and some clips. And decorate the fish to your taste and with the colors that you most want. The game is so entertaining that your son may want to make two and stay one to play himself and if it's with dad and mom, even better.

In Babies and more21 DIY Christmas ideas to do with children at home

Erasers lollipops

How do you read it! If your children are already a little older, you can make homemade silicone erasers together and then give them a star, kitten, polo shape ... As far as their imagination goes!

In addition, you will enjoy kneading the cornstarch with silicone, with your hands wrapped in gloves, of course.

And remember to make one for your return to school after Christmas.

Five useful ideas with containers

  • A cup of slate to say good morning every morning with a personal message. To give with your chalks and wrapped with elegance. It can even be washed in the dishwasher. Of course, it must be prepared three days before the day of the invisible friend.

  • A boat with bells that includes a small gift inside

  • 30 phrases to brighten up every day of the month

  • Chocolate inside and out in a luxury wrapper

  • Everything you need to make some cookies, as a family

In Babies and more Advent calendar of experiences for children: a nice idea to wait for Christmas

Four very simple ideas, perfect for friends

You will find the step by step of:

  • How to make a pineapple stuffed with Lacasitos, Conguitos or M & M's

  • A mobile card with whatsapp messages included

  • Stone paperweight with messages

  • Eggs with emojis, stuffed with your emotions.

Which one do you prefer?

Four Christmas crafts with recycled material

Or, to be more exact, using the rolls of toilet paper and kitchen paper that usually go to waste.

If you celebrate the invisible friend at the beginning of the holidays, it is a wonderful idea for children to give some hevho ornament with their own hands. And if it is with recycled material, the better.

They will love the cuckoo clock, the paper lantern, the bell or the tree, which after Christmas can be placed in a pot.

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