Frequently asked questions about conception and fertility (II)

A few days ago we talked about Frequently asked questions that arise when a couple decides to seek a pregnancy. There are so many questions that we continue today with a few more.

How likely are I to get pregnant every time we make love?

As we said in the previous post, if sex is practiced at the time of ovulation and if neither the man nor the woman have fertility problems, the chances of becoming pregnant are 25%.

If the relationships are in other stages of the menstrual cycle, taking into account that the sperm do not survive more than 3-4 days, it is possible that there is no egg waiting and therefore the chances are very low (it is possible that some ovulation occurs out of cycle).

In humor, it is more likely if you have not yet married, because as Buenafuente says: "You have to see how fast a girlfriend gets pregnant, and what it costs to get your wife pregnant."

When do you get fertility medications?

The ovary is the “factory” of ovules and the pituitary gland (brain gland) that gives orders to the ovaries through the hormones FSH and LH.
Fertility medications They are given when there are hormonal problems that prevent ovulation.

Today, most reproductive treatments produce an artificial stimulation of ovulation by means of these hormones (although treatment combination options are already being studied).

If I use fertility medications will I have twins or more children?

It is not certain, but the probability increases a lot. In the case of women who do not take any fertility medication the chances of having twins is one in ninety.

Women who do take fertility medications have a chance of every ten pregnancies (a nine-fold chance).

But the problem is only women?

It doesn't have to. In 30-40% of cases the problem is usually exclusively for women, 10-30% is for men, and 15-30% is both at the same time.

In the case of women, the most common alteration is related to ovulation, while in men, the most common disorder is low sperm quality.

My partner is going to have an analysis of his sperm, what does it consist of?

When there are problems to achieve a pregnancy, the sperm of the man is likely to be studied. This analysis consists in examining the mobility of the sperm and the number of them that present abnormalities.

If there is a high proportion of sperm with abnormalities or if they have reduced mobility, pregnancy will be more complicated.

What are the best days to try to conceive?

The best days are known as fertile days, which is the five-day period from two days before the day ovulation occurs until two days later.

The day of ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the date on which the menstruation has to come (and therefore 14 days after the arrival of the menstruation).

In other words, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days, the fertile days will be from 12 to 16.
You can know a little more precisely the time of ovulation with methods such as the syothermal or by ovulation tests.

Is an ovulation test useful?

Yes, An ovulation test is useful for those women who do not know when the ovulation will occur. Some women may have menstrual cycles without ovulation. This obviously makes pregnancy difficult.

Is there any sexual position that favors conception?

Yes, some postures can increase the chances of pregnancy. One of them is the missionary position, since when the man is above the penetration is deeper and the sperm is as deep as possible in the vagina.

It can also help that after intercourse the woman lies with her legs raised to prevent semen from leaving the vagina.

Will I have trouble getting pregnant if I have taken the pill?

No studies that demonstrate that having taken the pill affects a woman's fertility, not even if you have taken it for a prolonged period.

Yes it can happen that when you stop taking it the cycles lose regularity. This happens because the pill regulates the cycles and when you stop taking it the cycle returns to the one before taking the pill.

This is all. I hope that with these two entries the doubts have been resolved. In case there is any, you can always ask by leaving a comment on any of the two entries.

Photos | Flickr (Dan Zen), Flickr (Hamed Masoumi)
In Babies and more | Frequently asked questions about conception and fertility (I), Having a baby: conception, advice, methods and more, Things to keep in mind before you get pregnant, The obsession to get pregnant, Tips for getting pregnant

Video: Mayo Clinic Guide to Fertility and Conception (July 2024).