Artistic photos of babies and children underwater

Zena Holloway She is a young English photographer born in 1973 who has been a diving instructor and has derived her hobby in underwater photography.

He has worked in large media such as National Geographic or the BBC and has won a silver medal from the Royal Photographic Society for a beautiful series of photographs of babies under water titled “Waterbabies”.

It is really a joy to see the gallery of images of Zena Holloway. Through the art of photography, he recreates a dreamlike and fascinating world that invites relaxation.

Get to transmit and get the most out of the babies and children who pose for her. I leave you with some photos of the artist and if you feel like more you can go through its official website.

See full gallery »Zena Halloway (8 photos)

Official site | Zena Holloway
In Babies and more | Beautiful pictures of babies underwater
In Xatakafoto | Underwater photography: Zena Halloway

Video: What happens at your underwater photoshoot? (July 2024).