Nanny or nursery?

We have talked about the options of caring for the baby, but we need to know that the possibilities of staying at home with him, the mother or the father, or leaving him with the grandparents are not available to everyone and not all families can match them. So for many comes a dilemma Babysitter or nursery?

Both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages.

The nursery, even if we do not get one of those long-awaited places in the public or if we do not have a scholarship, is cheaper. And that, if the family economy is not very relaxed, it is important. But the 400 Euros that a good private daycare can cost are not a negligible expense.

A good one kindergarten You must have all the papers in order. And we should not be ashamed to ask them because demanding the maximum guarantees in the care of the child is very important.

The kindergarten You must offer us a safe space with all permits and qualified personnel. This guarantees us that the child receives adequate attention and minimum educational premises for stimulation.

One thing that we should keep in mind is, if the baby is fed with breast milk, it is that they are willing to give it and know how to do it.

Another issue to be valued is that, no matter how attentive and caring the caretakers are, it is impossible for them to be with all the children at the same time. Our son will cry, or he will not want to eat, or he will hurt himself, and sometimes he cannot be comforted immediately.

If he is ill, he cannot go to the center, because he would infect other children and he will be ill quite regularly, because it is inevitable that infections will occur when there are several children in an enclosed space, no matter how much care is taken. That, for working fathers and mothers, is a very serious problem, because jobs do not usually understand that a bad baby has to stay at home and his parents have to be able to take care of him.

A Baby sitter At home it covers these needs. The child will be less exposed to contagion and we can also go to work if it gets bad. In addition, a babysitter can play with him, give him food or comfort him exclusively, establishing an emotional bond with the child who will stick to it and will have affection and confidence. For babies this is very important, it softens the anguish of separation and offers them the personal attention they need at these early ages.

A babysitter would be more expensive than a kindergarten. And we are not always right with the right person, who, because it is not a fixed job, nor splendidly paid, can fail us when we need it most. They are not asked for specific training, and, although it is not necessary to take care of a child, it is advisable that the person exercising this work has confirmable references and adequate personal baggage. If you are a nanny with training in child care, the better.

Many times to the babysitter He is asked to take care of the household chores in addition to caring for the child. However, how many mothers with a baby have the house untouched after a hard day with the baby? I certainly would not be an example of that.

Therefore, before asking the babysitter to clean, cook and iron, it is convenient to ask if we could do it perfectly if we ignore the child. So, better, if you can, take on the only task of caring for the baby. That is their job and by asking them that we make sure that our child would not be unattended.

Actually, if I could, I would stay with Mary Poppins, the perfect nanny, full of energy, imagination, and able to mix seriousness with freedom. Will a babysitter play with children, will it exist?

Of course I think you have to exercise intense control over the person who takes care of our child. Put our rules in the care of the child and be attentive to compliance. If the child rejects her or has a lot of difficulty in establishing an emotional bond with her, we must alert ourselves and ask ourselves that she may not be the right person or option.

If I saw myself again in the need to choose I prefer a babysitter, but it must be someone of absolute confidence and attached to my way of raising, if I did not find it I would consider the nursery. But always, always, that is one that has all the documentation in order and that does not prevent me from going to see the status of my son in the classroom without an appointment.

But I fear that it would be easier for me to teach a babysitter than to find a nursery where they do not insist that children eat what they do not want, that they do not send them to sleep if they do not want to, do not punish them or send them to thinking chair I hope that when I am not the person or people who take care of my child, they follow my guidelines, not because they are the best, but because they are the ones I use to educate my child.

And that, respecting the idea of ​​parenting and education that each parent has in respect for children, is what caregivers should be able to offer.

Video: Nanny Vs. Daycare (July 2024).