How to practice colecho safely and safely

A few days ago we talked about the different ways of practicing colecho and today we will explain how to carry them out safely and avoiding possible risks.

The family bed and other surfaces where you sleep with children are not adapted for them and pose risks of accident for babies both by the place where you sleep and by sharing a bed with adults.

These risks can be eliminated or minimized to the maximum if certain measures are carried out. Following them we will be able to sleep with our children with the peace of mind of practicing a safe school. The recommendations are as follows:

  • The surface on which the baby sleeps must be firm, without pillows, cushions or dolls that can suffocate him.
  • The ideal position for the baby is on his back with his head turned to the side, since it is the safest before Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
  • The baby should not sleep on a pillow, blanket, cushion or fluffy surface.
  • The mattress should never be water, as they are not very firm.
  • It is preferable to use sheets and blankets instead of quilts or down comforters.
  • In case you sleep in the crib, the mattress must be well fitted inside the crib. If you sleep in a sidecar cot, it should be at the same height as the family bed and if you do it in our bed the mattress must be touching the wall to prevent spaces where the baby can get trapped and suffocate.
  • Babies should never sleep in armchairs or sofas or in an adult's lap. The sofas are soft and full of holes and cavities where they could get trapped and sleep on adults means risking the baby falling easily.
  • The baby's head should not be covered with anything that could make breathing difficult.
  • The room temperature must be adequate. Avoid keeping it too hot and avoid overcoating the baby too.
  • If it is decided to sleep with the baby in the same bed, both dad and mom must agree with this decision and be both responsible for the baby's presence and safety.
  • The baby's first weeks of life are preferable if he sleeps between the wall, the sidecar crib or a safe barrier and the mother, rather than between the father and the mother. Dads, unfortunately, we lack the beginning of that sixth sense that allows moms to sleep peacefully knowing that their baby is there. After a while we become more sensitive to your presence and then you can sleep between them.
  • Smoking during pregnancy and smoking after pregnancy (and parents are also included here) increases the risk of sudden death. The two should quit smoking. If it is not possible, the smoker should avoid sharing the bed with the baby for at least the first 14 weeks of the baby's life, as the risk of sudden death increases.
  • Babies under one year should not share the bed with younger siblings, as they are not sufficiently aware of their presence when they sleep. If there are any adults in the same bed, we can sleep between them.
  • In the event that parents have drunk alcohol, take drugs, sleeping pills or are extremely tired, their reaction capabilities and alertness may be diminished. In these situations, sleeping with babies is contraindicated.
  • If the mother and / or father have long hair, they should be picked up to avoid possible strangulation. Nightgowns or dresses with long ties that can cause the same effect should also be avoided.
  • Very obese people may not realize the physical situation of their baby, so it is preferable that they sleep on separate surfaces.
  • When the baby has grown and is able to turn or move around the bed, it is convenient to put barriers around your area to prevent them from falling out of bed. The space between the barrier and the mattress should be minimal so that the baby cannot get caught.

As you can see, these recommendations are easy to comply with but necessary to practice the colecho safely and safely.

Good night family!

Video: What To Do With Your Hair Replacement When You First Get It (July 2024).