Barbastro Hospital is already "Friend of children"

He Ba Hospitalrbastro is just joining the Spanish network called “Children's Friendly Hospital" This accreditation is an initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.

He Barbastro Hospital He began working in 2003 on the idea and in 2004 the Breastfeeding Commission was launched, in which workers from different areas of health have worked in coordination. In this way, all the points required in the initiative have been met

The objective of the initiative is protect, promote and support breastfeeding Maternal exclusive from birth from health centers. This is an international accreditation achieved after years of work and that involves the promotion of a series of actions to meet ten objectives that are valued by internationally trained evaluators.

To get accreditation as "Friend of the Children" The hospital must provide a written policy regarding breastfeeding known to all center staff and train all staff to carry out that policy.

In addition, you should make the information to all pregnant women about the benefits of breastfeeding and help them from half an hour after delivery to perform it, maintaining support so you can continue with the breast even if it is separated from the child.

Babies should not be given more than breastfeeding and not offer pacifiers, encouraging them to stay with their mothers all the time and encouraging breastfeeding on demand.

In addition, the creation of breastfeeding support groups is considered a priority by putting recent mothers in contact with them.

Barbastro it is the first center that has achieved this distinction of "Children's Friendly Hospital"in Aragon, while in Spain, there are 13 other hospitals that already have the award.