New baby check of 200 euros in Madrid (but not for everyone)

A little over two months ago we announced on the blog that the help of the baby check in Madrid would end as we knew it. That is to say, that not all Madrid people who had a child would receive 100 euros of help. It was not an important amount, but it helped to cover the baby's first expenses.

Actually, the baby check has not disappeared, but its conditions have changed. The Community of Madrid has decided extend the benefit to 200 euros And it will be aimed at people from Madrid who give birth or adopt a minor and are unemployed.

The same amount will also be received by women who have a third or subsequent child and those whose second baby is born or adopted with some degree of disability.

At the time they announced that they would direct the aid to the families that need it most in these times of crisis, so the provision of 200 euros may be charged by new mothers who are collecting unemployment benefits at the time of birth or left to charge it in the six months prior to delivery.

The unemployed who adopt a minor or the father may also benefit if the mother dies or is a single parent adopter.

The aid will be retroactive as of January 1, 2009 and is compatible with any other allowance for maternity or paternity.

Of course, it is not good news for those who stop receiving the benefit of 100 euros, but it is well received by those who are going through an especially difficult economic time.

As we know, the arrival of a child involves a series of expenses and the Spanish benefits of the European are far away, but at least for all families the state aid of 2,500 euros per birth or adoption remains.