Stop smoking, at least at the beginning of pregnancy

That tobacco is harmful to health is nothing new, and more so in pregnancy because they have no desired effects for the baby. Specialists recommend leaving it even before seeking pregnancy.

The sooner the habit is left, the better. However, a study by the University of Adelaide in Australia has concluded that if the woman stops smoking before week 15, at the beginning of pregnancy, the serious effects of smoking could be reversed.

Pregnant women who quit smoking before the 15th week of gestation have preterm birth rates and small babies for age comparable to those of non-smoking women, according to research.

The scientists analyzed data from 2,500 first-time mothers and at 15 weeks gestation they divided them into three groups: non-smokers, smokers who quit and smokers.

80% were non-smokers, 10% had quit and 10% were still smoking.

Among both smokers who quit and non-smokers, the preterm birth rate was 4% while the rate of small babies for age was 10%.

In contrast, women who continued smoking recorded a preterm birth rate of 10% and a small baby rate for the age of 17%, which are two figures significantly higher than the rates in the other groups.

Although it is better late than never, it is dangerous to say that a woman who has smoked before and during the first trimester does not care than one who has not smoked in her life.

Other contrasted studies have found a clear relationship between tobacco and Down Syndrome, with attention deficit and with cardiovascular problems, among others.

Therefore, if you are a smoker and you are looking for a baby or pregnant, it is very important for your health and for the baby to stop smoking as early as possible.

Video: Program Helps Pregnant Women Quit Smoking (May 2024).