Nanas with heart, music with our children

"Nanas with a heart"It is a beautiful workshop aimed at families with babies from one to three years old. It is a weekly meeting proposal in which the music, voice, sound and creativity provide the search for new communication channels and links with the smallest of the house. In these workshops an exclusive time is sought to play and grow together from the primary sound experiences.

In addition, it involves the possibility of sharing and enjoying a space of mutual growth in which to improve the ability to meet and communicate through musical expression. They are held in Madrid, in the Urdimbre center.

For those who can not access these workshops for whatever reason or live in another city, there are always possibilities to do an activity at home that seeks the same goal. He Exclusive time for baby and dance with music Adequate will offer us unforgettable moments of communication that will strengthen the connection with our son and the feeling of happiness in both.

Clear the room and get comfortable, choose some sweet or cheerful melodies and dance with the baby in your arms, following the music free, disconnecting from worries, laughing and feeling, it is a wonderful experience.

Sit on the floor and follow the music with the palms or with the body, sing, move, all that will make after a time of such personal and fun union it is difficult not to feel much closer to our little ones and to them, to us. The Nanas with a heart They will be unforgettable.

Video: Sankofa Read Aloud (July 2024).