Being a dad: the first days and visits

You are already a father, you already knew in advance what your baby was going to be like, you know how to get to know him a little better and when a new person arrives he comes up with a phenomenon called magnet effect that makes you come to see you a hundred and the mother, that is, many visits, which are very exciting (or not) but sometimes overwhelm a little.

My recommendation, which is what we will do for our second child, is mark a visiting schedule, for example, until 18 pm open bar (if it lasts until 19), then the beach bar closes. I don't think it's a very popular measure, but I do think it's easy to understand.

Your partner will be tired, the baby too and probably you too, although less.

In the morning they are usually more or less rested, so it is a good time to receive some visits. At noon many people do not usually come, mostly because it is time to eat. Mid-afternoon is also an appropriate time, but of course, people are working, for the novel or taking a nap, so they come later, in the afternoon, when all are already available. Well, in the afternoon, let's say, from 18-19 it is precisely the moment when the baby and your partner are less anxious that there is hustle and bustle. The baby becomes nervous, your partner who wants to breastfeed but gives him a little something because every time he does 4 or 5 little heads are crammed to look like the baby breast and give advice each different: "No girl, not like that", "make the scissors, baby, the scissors", "put it like this or that way", "you are nervous and you are running your nerves through the milk", "take a soup of almond broth with foam of beer and boiled evening primrose yeast and you will see how milk comes out ”, etc. etc. and you there jijijaja with family members

All with a heat of pyx, because even if it is autumn and not even winter, you can go in short sleeves and shorts to the hospital, how cold you don't go, and the baby from hand to hand and throw because it touches me.

That this is another, who is going to take the baby should be someone who inspires confidence. That "the cousins ​​want to catch the baby", as of course not, and the hands of your wedge, the one that breaks everything, almost not either. Once the first filter is passed, it is very important that you wash your hands first. Many viruses are transmitted by contact (for example the cold), and a newborn, by its immature immune system, shouldn't catch a cold.

Well, once everyone who has left there is your partner, the baby and you. And those who pay are the two. Tired and overwhelmed. She wants to cry for something she does not know very well to explain (as it is commonly said hormones are very revolutionized), the nervous baby also because it is hot, maybe even hungry, she wants to sleep, but as she has put her head like a hype can't, that's why he doesn't hold on to his chest and that's why he keeps crying and in the end you call the nurse who thinks they are colic because at sunset it is when it happens to them and "do massages like this, as well as the clockwise" or " the same thing has not raised your milk and if you want we give you a bottle ... "


I do not say that they are not what is commonly called colic (which is no longer called that), or that your partner has raised the milk or not. But what is clear is that in the room there is a woman who has just given birth 24-48 hours ago, who has thrown a few hours with contractions and is quite exhausted, with the hormones on the surface and a very variable mood .

If it has been caesarean section I do not even tell you. This is the only major surgery intervention in which, as soon as it is operated, they give the woman a newborn baby that she has to take care of, hug, catch, feed, ... and in which she has to put on a good face because girl! If you've only given birth !! "

There is also a baby who has been swimming for 9 months in the peace and almost silence of a floating medium. Curled up, cradled, in the dark. Now he is outside, with a diaper attached to his waist, with a lot of clothes, a hat, hands that move him from one place to another, air to breathe, voices, smells, laughs, heat, light, ... and get nervous , and have a hard time relaxing again.

That is why it is important to listen to your partner's wishes, ask him what he thinks about the subject before giving birth, ask him what he thinks the day you are in the embolao, how he feels, how he is and look at what your baby doesIf he complains, if he cries, then he is too nervous and acts accordingly.

There will be time for meetings and social events, for visits, for hugs, gifts and congratulations. The first days are for you, to enjoy them, the baby.

That your partner can breastfeed without shame or pressure, that the baby can take his time, that you can all be together living that moment and that you can be there ("put this pillow here, take the baby for a moment, give me a little foot massage ", hehehe). In short, they both need you and if there are many people you will have to host the visits and you will not be able to do your parental support function.

Video: Children of Prisoners Reunite with their Fathers Behind Bars for a Day (June 2024).