30% of children under 5 suffer from sleep disorders

In many families, "sleeping like a baby" does not mean what we know from that phrase made ... Sleeping well is a symptom of health, and good health favors sleeping well. That is why the data that ensures that About 30% of children under 5 have problems and sleep problems, motivated, among other factors, by obesity, family stress or school dysfunctions.

This was announced at the last Congress of the National Society of Outpatient Pediatric and Primary Care, held in Tenerife (Spain) in the workshop "Sleep and its disorders. A public health problem", which was intended to publicize this Pathology as a first-order health problem.

And it is that childhood sleep problems, as we have seen on occasion, can lead to important sequels, diseases or problems both cognitive and behavioral, learning or family.

So this disorder, which can manifest itself in different ways in children, such as Pediatric insomnia, sleepwalking, talking during sleep, nightmares, restless legs syndrome ... And, of course, go to the specialist when necessary.

Another type of disorder is the alterations of the circadian rhythm, when the biological clock is out of time (for example, spending the night stuck to the television or the computer), so that the dream begins too soon or too late. And the obstructive sleep apnea It is a process present in 2-3% of children, which consists of respiratory difficulty that interrupts breathing for a few seconds.

Yesterday we talked about the negative effects that excessive use of TV or computer can have on children, and also when we talk about sleep. Especially, when in the child's room there is one of these devices (or both in the worst case) that they can use at night. The disorders that could arise, apart from reducing the quantity and quality of sleep (also in the future, of adults), could be learning disorders related to memory.

Finally, they also alert that the obesity, that new plague in the child population of the developed world, is also related to the decrease in sleep hours.

Video: Sleep Disorders in Children (July 2024).