Stay, online newspaper for couples with fertility problems

Today we bring to our pages a recurson that may help couples with problems conceiving, an online newspaper with information and news about the topic of infertility. Stay presents topics such as assisted reproduction techniques, the most common causes of infertility, tips that help conception, news ...

This is a website presented by Sanitas that tries to respond, or at least attend, to an increasingly frequent reality in Spain: there are many couples with fertility problems. Today, more than 800,000 Spanish couples have fertility problems and 16,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

The page is divided into four sections, including one dedicated to "late" motherhood that is very interesting in our society, when the time to become a mother is increasingly delayed. The sections are "Getting pregnant", "They", about male fertility, "Being a mother after 40" and "News", where couples with fertility problems can find updated information on the subject.

In addition, you can comment on the news and make inquiries which will be answered by the team of doctors and psychologists in charge of it.

From what I have seen, it contains some interesting articles, treated in a rigorous and close way, and, although it has just started and does not have much content, I think it can be a support for many people.

Video: Smoking and Infertility - 5 Things You Didn't Know (July 2024).