Babies understand us with their eyes

The Institute of Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington has recently published the results of a new investigation that we could summarize with this statement: Babies understand us with their eyes. A group of psychologists from this University have conducted a study with a group of babies between 12 and 18 months focused on the analysis of the direction of their eyes.

The conclusion of the work is that humans, from an early age, they learn to understand others by looking at them, being able to infer the emotions, thoughts and inner feelings of other people. The child is considered to "read" body movements and looks by interpreting them empathically. The baby assumes that what in himself represents the action linked to a thought or feeling, in others produces the same acts.

In the investigation they used the behavior trait that leads to follow something with their eyes. In this particular case, it was about when a baby looks at where another person has just looked. Psychologists have long known to discover the look direction Another person is an important component of human social interactions.

Video: Taking Cues From the Eyes of Autistic Babies (July 2024).