The European Union will regulate the effective classification of video games

Bearing in mind that children play video games earlier and earlier, it seems to me a fundamental issue that they want to regulate their sale, informing properly and clearly about the characteristics of the games so that later at home we don't get any surprises ...

The European Union wants the implementation of a code of conduct for the sale of video games to minors in two years, based on a classification system transparent and effective throughout Europe.

The content of the game or the age at which it is intended are some of the points that are intended to be included with a regulation in the labels of video games. Some are proposed explicit icons about content not suitable for minors, as if they include violence, swear words, fear, sex, drugs, discrimination, gambling ...

This will achieve a direct and very visual way of knowing that information that otherwise goes unnoticed and is only discovered once it is being played.

It seems to me a necessary idea and that will certainly be welcome in many homes. And let's not forget that we are responsible for the games that come into the house, so remember the decalogue for an informed purchase of these products.

Video: "Games as a service" is fraud. (May 2024).