They ask to legalize in Spain the "rent bellies"

In our blog, we have already spoken several times about the controversial issue of "surrogate mothers". We know that in some countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom, the use of another woman's uterus to be able to conceive a child is legalized, in vitro fertilizing an ovule and a sperm of the couple, and implanting it in the uterus of a woman other than The biological mother.

Last week, in the Annual Meeting of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology of Europe, which we mentioned in a previous post, in which more than 7,000 experts on the subject participated, it has been claimed to legalize this option in Spain.

They consider that in our country there are many prejudices about this problem and advocate that if its use is strictly indicated from the medical point of view and there is no other option, it is the ideal method. Of course, they would apply it in very specific cases and after thoroughly examining all the alternatives, never for aesthetic reasons or other reasons. Apparently, there is an increase in the number of cases that may require the use of the so-called "rental belly". Due to multiple factors such as stress or obesity, the number of cases of infertility has increased fourfold in the last 30 years. Thanks to advances in medicine, cancers that previously had no remedy and also appear at early ages, such as those of the uterus, are cured today and the woman can lead a normal life and want to be a mother.

In Spain, at the moment, the Law of Assisted Reproduction considers that this practice is illegal, and according to it, the son belongs to the mother who gives birth. If this were changed, it would be necessary to specify well that giving birth to a child from another couple could not give any rights over the child and that it is a decision in which there is no "turning back."

Video: Ska-P - LegalizaciĆ³n (July 2024).