Protégeles: online child safety complaint line

Some time ago one of our readers asked us where to report a website with certain content inappropriate for children.

Proté It is the right place to do it. It is an organization made up of professionals from various areas such as experts in child safety, computer technicians, pedagogues, experts in marketing and communication, etc. They work in order to protect children from illegal and harmful content.

I think it is important that children approach the world of Internet since they are young, but as a mother I am very concerned about the issue of security.

In addition to parents taking certain precautions so that children can approach the computer in a safe way, it is important that there is a complaint line aimed at providing greater security in the use of the internet.

Protégeles guarantees the anonymity of the complainant and also fulfills a double function. On the one hand, it receives complaints, verifies and eliminates sites with harmful content, while on the other it develops actions, campaigns and prevention works in order to improve the safety of minors on the internet.

Official site | Protégeles In Babies and more | Protect your children on the Internet In Babies and more | Decalogue of recommendations for the safety of children on the Internet In Babies and more | Internet, a controlled danger for children In Babies and more | Pedophilia no, an organization that denounces pedophilia on the Internet In Babies and more | How to control what your child does on the Internet