Chinese police who breastfed orphaned babies in the earthquake are promoted

At the time we have not echoed this news so comforting for those who defend breastfeeding.

Therefore, now that the protagonist of the events has been promoted in charge of what he has done, it is a good occasion to remember him.

In the earthquake in Sichuan Province last May 12, the Chinese police Jiang Xiaojuan, 30, left his 6-month-old baby with his parents and he devoted himself to breastfeeding orphaned children with his own milk that only fed on water and oats.

His images breastfeeding babies, like the ones you can see in the video below, toured the whole country earning the nickname "Mommy Police."

Due to her humanitarian action, the woman has received the titles of "hero and model police officer" and "excellent member of the Communist Party," she was also named a member of the Office of Public Security of the Committee of the Communist Party of China in Jiangyou and He was promoted to deputy commissioner of the agency.

As a result of his rise a great debate has been created. The most critical voices say that the ascent should be delivered by merit, not only by good deeds and that "an official position should not be used to ascend to moral models."

Of course, I believe that the quality of this mother's gesture has been a true example and shows that her dedication to others has no limits. If that is not service to others, I do not know what we have left.

Video: Police Officer Breastfeeds Suspects 4-Month-Old Baby While She Was In Court (July 2024).