Premiere of the documentary "Science of Babies" by National Geographic Channel

It has already surprised us with the great documentary In the womb, as well as with the Twins, Triplets and Quadruplets in which we could see unpublished images of babies in gestation. Now National Geographic Channel will premiere on television on Sunday, May 4, coinciding with Mother's Day, The Science of Babies.

The production, which can be seen on the Internet, is made with the same quality as its predecessors. It narrates with great luxury of visual and auditory details the evolution of a baby during its first year of life from the first breath to its first steps.

We can learn more about the incredible transformations babies suffer, the functioning of their brain that grows to twice its size, how it establishes neuronal connections, when and how the baby's knowledge begins and how he acquires elementary concepts.

This also deepens how the experience of the first 12 months influences, and a big question, if it influences more in a child's development, genetics or education.

The documentary lasts an hour and can be seen in Spanish on the official website. On television it will premiere next Sunday at 9 pm on the National Geographic Channel followed by the repetition of "In the womb."

Official site | National Geographic Channel In Babies and more | In the womb, of National Geographic, online In Babies and more | Premiere of the documentary "In the womb: twins, triplets and quadruplets"

Video: Editing Documentaries and Interviews with Premiere Pro Part 1 (May 2024).