A family is compensated for a late C-section

In some cases, more than we would like, caesarean sections are not essential, but in others they are the most effective way to save the life of an unborn baby.

When fetal distress is detected, for example, performing an emergency C-section is the fastest way to avoid irreversible damage or to save the baby's life.

The news speaks of a family that has not been lucky enough to have a caesarean section practiced on time. The Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, ​​where the couple's daughter was born seven years ago, must pay compensation for medical malpractice when performing a late caesarean section that caused the girl serious psychic and sensory physical deficiencies.

As reported by the Patient Advocate, the caesarean section was performed on the mother well after what should have been done, since the woman suffered from a misdiagnosed and poorly treated hypertensive condition that caused a placental abruption and a lack of oxygenation to the baby. That is, a chain of negligence.

At the time of performing the caesarean section, the fetus "was in a situation of compromise and loss of fetal well-being" because of "imprudence and malpractice" because he did not control the vital state of the fetus during the two and a half hours before the cesarean section When it was practiced, serious damage had already occurred to the girl.

Really unworthy to find out about these types of cases, but with no intention of scaring any of the pregnant women who read our blog, what I intend is that they are informed, that they know that irresponsible is everywhere and that when it comes to the health of our Children there is no money that can repair it.

Hopefully, these kinds of stories will serve as something to improve the medical care of the pregnant woman, which sometimes seems that we are going to do us a favor rather than help us bring our children to the world with all the importance that the event entails.

Video: Missing Hospital Records and Medical Negligence Cerebral palsy Compensation Claims (July 2024).