Tell us your story: The arrival of Maria "baby" Denisse

Today we inaugurate our new participation space "Tell us your story" with the beautiful story that Glenda, the mother of Maria Denisse. Who tells us very spontaneously the arrival of his baby after five years of frustrated search. A story told with a lot of sincerity and spontaneity from beginning to end.

Thank you Glenda for sending us this moving story.

In Babies and more we hope to receive more stories to share with readers. Send us your story to [email protected] and we will gladly publish it.


I appreciate all those notes that make us arrive through the subscription, because they have helped me understand many things and open my eyes to others, such as finishing deciding to quit my job and take care of my little Maria Denisse.

This is my story…

I have been married for almost 9 years. When we had a little less than a year and a half, we thought of bringing family into the world, but that was an ordeal, when we didn't get it we looked for help and not to make the story longer ...

First they said that I did not ovulate and that I would "never" get pregnant, then in another medical review it was determined that my husband had low sperm count, another doctor also affirmed the same and that I also had a crooked uterus. That way I was never going to get pregnant, so we stopped visiting doctors, which we had done for approximately 5 years, between breaks of a few months. One day we decided not to go for more than a year.

A good month I had a 3-week delay and an upset all weird ... now if I am scrubbed I said, without a rule and with these cramps and discomforts all rare, but I did not know that my beautiful little princess was wreaking havoc on me. One day I decided to go for an ultrasound, but they told me it was too early to determine if the absence of menstruation was due to pregnancy.

Then I decided to have a blood test, and hit the discomforts. That June 8 I remember that I had a guard at work, I went through the laboratory before going to work. At noon I went for the results, always pessimistic but harboring in the purest of my heart the hope of that positive, and blessed God I opened that envelope already in the car I remember that my hands were shaking and I felt something in me, and God, I let go A cry, I cried and laughed like never before in my life to see the result, I swear that in my life I had felt so much happiness. I left that parking lot and kept laughing and crying, ugh! I remember that I made a bad maneuver almost collided me, but the other was an excellent driver and then he was slow and managed to see me and I stopped, nothing happened and then I began to think as I say to my husband that he will be a father.

I took my husband to a commercial center that likes to go a lot, we took an ice cream and there I gave him the result, after lying to him when he asked me if I had gone to look for the result, I think it shocked him so much that he said nothing, I started crying again, he only wet his eyes, he looked thoughtful and smiled, well, he was raised a bit simple, so that his eyes were watered it was enough.

Then came the wait and thank God everything went relatively well, there was an odd complication, because my chubby cord was rolled from week 20 to 36, that was hard I was very afraid that he would hang himself. You know, there is never a lack of someone who tells you things "the boy died that way in that joverooo way", but thank God in the last ultrasound he didn't have it anymore. Another thing was that the bandit was sitting almost all the time and never got into the cavity. He turned in week 38 and was born by caesarean section.

I remember that I went to talk to the insurance doctor, because I was going to that consultation and another private one (with the doctor who told me that "I would never get pregnant" and that when I returned to visit her with the news she said it was a miracle of God my) . I went to visit the insurance, because in the private consultation they had told me what to expect but since my baby was big and fat I did not recommend having a natural birth. Then the other doctor told me that I could be born by natural childbirth, but since the other doctor told me about the time it had taken me to conceive, fear invaded me and seeking the economy and second opinion, the insurance doctor inspired me a lot of confidence. I consulted him and it turns out that on the day he checked me he noticed that my little girl had palpitations, tachycardia called him, and after listening to my baby's heart for a good time he told me: I'm going to operate today at 5 in the afternoon. I almost got a patatú right there. I was happy, I would finally meet my baby I was anxious to see that little person that nestled in my belly for 9 months and who accompanied me moving like a butterfly through my belly every day.

When I returned home after work, when I woke up, I also woke up and sang the songs of the radio with me. Ah! because it moved tremendously when we listened to the radio on the way home.

That January 18, 2007 my baby was born, and here comes the sad part, because I was so anxious that at the end when I heard her crying for the first time I cried, but I was so sad that they did not show it to me, because in this country that The immediate connection between mother and baby is worth a damn. They took it out and took it to another room and I saw it half an hour later. When the doctor showed it to me, I was shaking from the anesthesia and was recovering so that I could go out of there as a fool, all I said was: "Oh, doctor, that's my baby, hello baby" and I smiled. Why? I don't know, as silly as it wasn't my daughter.

Then when I already had it in my arms I said "My daughter is not ugly, she is not beautiful, but she is not ugly." I will never finish regretting that, the C-section wound hurt horribly. After the pain had passed, I realized that I was already a mother and I talked to him, I sang to my daughter as I did when I was in my belly and I felt a great connection between them that calmed down, the poor woman was hungry, but not yet I had milk in my chest.

Now she is 15 months old, minus 4 days, and now it hurts me so much not to be with her all the time, right now she is sick. My mother takes care of me and my pain is because she prefers to be with the grandmother than with me, I swear that I regret with all my soul having said such ugly words when she was born. If I was beautiful and still is, but I don't know what happened to me. When we got home, it happened to me that I didn't want anyone to look at her and touch more than me, since then I dedicated myself so much to her that I forgot everything else.

Today I am in the dilemma of stopping working to be with her, I am horribly lacking and I feel that every day I lose my daughter, I feel that she takes me as the person who takes care of her at night, it is so so since 11 Months approximately says dad and dad and nothing about mom; I got a sadness that I even think my mother will tell my mother before me or in the worst case instead of me.

But I assure you that I love her with all my soul and I would not hesitate to give my life in exchange for hers, even if that means life is over. My daughter is everything, but I have my big dilemma, we have many debts and I need to work, but I have read an article here in Babies and more, well it is worth changing car and house if necessary to be with them, time is Goes and never returns.

I will understand if you do not publish my story, but I want you to know that it is the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me, my life is my daughter, my happiness to see her smile, see that she looks for me in the morning when she wakes up, see every achievement she has, Like when I saw her walking for the first time, it was another crying place, another of the happiest days: I walk at 13 months, I was afraid she wouldn't walk.

It is wonderful to share this unparalleled experience with you, I will not finish thanking God for this wonderful miracle that is called Maria Denisse and now has almost 15 months.

Her dad is crazy about her, the truth is that the whole family is crazy about her, everyone has a name; The little bear, the chubby, the princess. The paternal grandfather has changed completely, he was a very serious gentleman, now he walks blocks to go to look for her and he takes her with his hair and plays with her.

It has been a blessing for all the birth of my little Mary, baby, as your father and I tell you.

A hug.

In babies and more | Moms and dads, tell us your story

Video: SML Movie: Mario The Babysitter! (July 2024).