A school in a cave

This is the Dongzhong school in the Chinese town of Miao, as you can see the building has not been designed by any architect of the stature of Norman Foster or Calatrava but rather Nature itself. When the media are scarce, the mill sharpens and they have taken advantage of their natural resources to educate their children.

At this time millions of parents are desperate doing castings for the school of your children it is good that we reflect on the content and the continent.

Can you learn without large facilities, computers in all classrooms, extracurricular activities, 3 languages, swimming pool, etc.? Obviously yes because there are children who are educated even at home and others with precarious means such as these children. Here are more photos.



Just remember that one of the UNESCO goals for 2015 is to get schooling in all countries. There are still 25 left because guerrillas and soldiers in countries in conflict are dedicated to bombing schools and universities to prevent us from thinking, and because 60% of schoolchildren who they don't attend class in arabic countries are girls. And they do not receive large fines as in the recent case of Spanish parents who allowed their children to miss school.

While we are dedicated to discuss the subject of Citizenship Education or the poor results of the Pisa report (both important things) others have no windows. Therefore, work remains on all fronts.

By the way, these Chinese children do not seem to need a metal detector like in the US to enter the school, apparently they respect the teacher a lot and there is a good climate in the classroom.The building is not everything.

Video: Chinas last cave people (July 2024).