Stories of premature babies in the ICU of Neonates

I wanted to share with the readers of Babies and more An interesting article about experiences of premature babies born in Madrid.

Almost daily we bring to these pages research, new therapies or various news about children born prematurely, and not long ago I spoke precisely of a study that analyzed the experiences of parents in neonatal ICUs.

We have also echoed impressive real stories where the little ones get ahead thanks to the warmth of the mother. Today we can approach directly to experiences lived and survived in the ICU of Neonates of the Hospital de la Paz, from Madrid. Where little babies and their parents have names.

It is impressive and overwhelming to know how tiny babies, with just 400 grams of fragile body, can get ahead. There, what we know as its meaning makes miracle of life. The increase in the number of premature infants in recent years brings us more and more stories like these, in which Doctors, nurses, parents and babies struggle to get ahead.

You can read the report in XL Weekly. Talk about the appearance of babies, their organic characteristics, the feeling of the mother when the baby is born, the practice of the kangaroo method, the first attempts to breastfeed, the emotions of nurses, emergencies, music therapy, the benefits of feeding them with breast milk ...

It also talks about infections, respirators, pain, operations and collapses, serious sequelae. Of all the challenge of helping them survive. But also of advances in science so that more and more premature they can grow and develop until leading a normal life. I am still impressed by the rereading of the article.

Video: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Penelopes Story (July 2024).