Treat gestational diabetes via mobile phone

Gestational diabetes It occurs in the second half of pregnancy because the action of hormones prevents the mother's insulin from properly regulating sugar levels. As the name implies, it disappears after delivery.

In most cases, balanced eating and physical exercise are enough to keep diabetes at bay, but in others it is necessary to administer insulin.

However, the medical treatment that these women should take can be very tedious because it implies that the pregnant woman has to go to the gynecologist's office once or twice a week for strict monitoring and control.

It happens that because the insulin resistance and metabolic needs of the baby that are modified almost daily, the insulin dose is not always the same, but it varies.

So that in the last weeks of pregnancy the mother does not have to go to medical check-ups so frequently modifying her life, she has thought about a continuous assistance system via mobile phone.

It is a system that transmits the data of the capillary glucose reflectometer via mobile telephony via the internet and by means of a mobile message the dose of insulin to be administered for the following two weeks is indicated.

At the moment the only center that has this system in operation for pregnant women is the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid.

Hopefully it will be extended to other centers as it seems to be a very practical way of coping with this complication during the last weeks of pregnancy.