Snoring children may suffer an intellectual deficit

The good night rest in children guarantees that they are in full physical faculties to face the day and that their intellectual performance is optimal. However, this changes when a child snores, explains Jordi Coromina, co-director of the Teknon Clinic Otolaryngology Service, snoring children may suffer from an intellectual deficit. These conclusions have been announced at the XXI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care that is held to this day in Barcelona.

It is a serious problem according to the specialist's words, snoring in children can cause them to lose up to 11 points of the IQ And of course, school performance is seriously affected. Snoring can truncate your future, hence the specialist places so much emphasis on the treatment and solution of the problem, in addition, it should be added that the possible attention deficit hyperactivity disorders significantly increase. Up to 12% of children snore, it is a high number that should be considered, there are still people who believe that snoring is normal in sleep and even associate it with a good night's rest, nothing is further from reality. Many problems are associated with snoring as the main cause, for example, low weight and short stature, facial disorders, excessive sweating or increased food consumption.

Snoring does not produce the same consequences in adults as in children, in the latter, all cases of snoring are associated with some health problems, unlike adults, in which snoring may occur despite the fact that People are healthy. In some cases, children who are supposed to have hyperactivity as we indicated at the beginning, could solve it by eliminating snoring.

Going to the specialist before this type of problem is vital, it will be the best option to solve it and ensure that the child rests properly and can have 100% of his intellectual faculties.

Video: Understanding Sleep Disordered Breathing (July 2024).