Back to school of yesteryear in photographs

In the 20-minute digital publication they are collecting photos related to back to school of yesteryear, photos of our parents or grandparents show the children of that time in the school environment. It is a wide collection of photographs belonging to the Virtual Museum of Old Photos section with which we will evoke some memories and we can show our children how the school environment of that time was.

As an anecdote we told you what a couple of days ago our son asked us, "If before the children did not have notebooks, they only used a small board in the schools, they would send them little homework, right?"

If you want to participate in this curious photographic museum, you can send some of those old photographs that you keep, you just have to digitize it and fill in a small questionnaire indicating the date of the photo, the place where it was taken, etc. Each day they will place a photo on the cover with the possibility that it is yours that stars.

We have made a visual tour through the collection of photographs that has turned out to be very interesting and instructive, surely your children also love it.

Via | 20 Minutes More information | Virtual Museum of Old Photos

Video: 100-Year-Old Photos of the Most Beautiful Women of the Last Century (July 2024).