Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is one of the most frequent causes of mental retardation

Almost all mothers know that it is very bad for the baby to consume alcohol during pregnancy, but some do not skimp.

Today I will tell you some more things to see if I convince any future mom who drinks, even occasionally, not to try again not a drop of alcohol.

The Spanish Scientific Society for Studies on Alcohol, Alcoholism and Other Drug Addiction (SOCIDROGALCOHOL) noted that 24% of pregnant Spanish women consume alcohol regularly, that 1 in every 1,000 babies is born with malformations and that 1 in 100 may suffer alterations serious, even when consumption is moderate.

The consumption of alcohol is one of the most frequent causes of mental retardation, such as spina bifida and Down syndrome. The difference of the first is that it can be prevented, while the other two usually have genetic causes.

VelSid has spoken to us a while ago about fetal alcohol syndrome, irreversible physical and mental damage suffered by the baby whose mother has drunk during pregnancy. It is characterized by abnormal facial features, growth retardation, central nervous system problems, craniofacial and joint disorders, physical disabilities, attention and learning problems, it can even cause the death of the fetus.

Sometimes we believe that "a little glass at dinner" will do nothing, but it is not known exactly how much it can affect the baby.

When in doubt, it is best to choose not to drink absolutely any alcohol during pregnancy because doing so can prevent serious damage to the baby. It's reason enough, right?

Video: Ultrasound Fetal Response To Alcohol Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (July 2024).