Breastfeeding and contraception: yes you can get pregnant while breastfeeding

It is true that breastfeeding is an effective natural contraceptive method, while the baby sucks inhibits ovulation, but it is not to be trusted because the conditions for it to be absolutely safe are very precise.

Many women believe that while they are breastfeeding they cannot get pregnant, well without nuances, but It is not so simple.

In fact, I know several women who have become pregnant while breastfeeding before the first period was lowered after giving birth.

There is a direct relationship between the baby's sucking and the absence of ovulation. The hormonal changes that occur when the baby sucks cause the ovulation to be suspended, the more times a day the baby sucks the greater the contraceptive efficacy.

The MELA method (Lactation and Amenorrhea Method)

This contraceptive method is known as MELA (Method of Lactation and Amenorrhea) and has an effectiveness of 98-99% during the second trimester of the baby's life and 100% during the first twelve weeks after delivery.

In Babies and more Birth control during breastfeeding, which one is more recommended?

But what are the requirements that must be met for the method to be effective?

  • 1) That the mother has not yet had the first rule after childbirth. That is, any bleeding the woman has had after 10 or more days after puerperal bleeding after giving birth.

  • 2) That the baby be exclusively breastfed, on demand and often (that there are no breaks between shots longer than six hours at night, or more than four hours without doing it during the day), without any additional food.

  • 3) That the baby is less than six months old.

If all three are met, it is unlikely that you will get pregnant, however the figures indicate that between 1 and 11% of pregnant women remain during the amenorrhea period, that is to say they conceive again without having had the rule.

After the first six months of the baby's life, the contraceptive efficacy of MELA is gradually reduced.

If some of the three conditions were not fulfilled one hundred percent, it is possible that you become pregnant, so you should consider using a complementary contraceptive method.

In Babies and more The first rule after childbirth: how and when it comes

Video: Signs You Are Ovulating While Breastfeeding (July 2024).