Caring for grandchildren does not affect the well-being of grandparents

Yesterday was International Grandparents Day, to which today we dedicate an entry for your peace of mind and that of your children taking care of grandchildren does not affect the well-being of grandparents long-term.

This is the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of Chicago and three other universities, banishing old conclusions from other studies that suggested that stress and effort could diminish the well-being and health of the elderly.

13,000 volunteer grandparents participated in the study, including those who cared for their grandchildren daily because the mothers were imprisoned or under medical treatment. Of the total grandparents studied, 29% of women and 22% of men took care of their grandchildren about 50 hours a year, while 7% of grandmothers and 5% of grandparents lived with their children and grandchildren. , and slightly less than 3% of grandparents lived alone with their grandchildren.

According to the data of the investigation, at the beginning of the care of the children who lived with the grandparents, they noticed that their health deteriorated, but after a while they recovered their well-being. It was more about depressive symptoms that disappeared when continuing to care for their grandchildren.

But the grandparents who took care of their grandchildren sporadically, did not suffer any variation in their health, and it is that for many grandparents, at least those we know, it seems that they rejuvenate when they are with their grandchildren.

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Video: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (July 2024).