Barbie Girls, interactive dolls on the internet

The Barbie doll has undoubtedly been a winning toy that has been marketed virtually everywhere, now also triumphs on the internet. A new Mattel project has launched Barbie Girls online, a website designed exclusively for navigators to interact with a series of Barbie dolls.

Such is the success of this new project that in just 60 days, almost 3 million users have registered in this new portal that could be compared to the world of Sims and can undo the famous virtual world Second Life.

It has already been cataloged as the virtual world with the greatest growth ever lived on the internet, and that is not all, every day 50,000 new users register. What will these dolls have that seduce children and adults?

Large and small can participate and enjoy this new virtual world, the attention of the public has been captured.

From 5 years old you can play Barbie girls, but a message appears indicating that with certain ages children must be accompanied by their parents, something very logical by the way. Once our profile is created, we will have access to various options, we have registered and tested it, and we find that it can have a certain addictive nuance, which means that we advise children to play moderately.

Video: The Interactive Barbie "Hello Dreamhouse" at Play. Barbie (July 2024).