Prepare the trip with the children

Many of you are at the doors of the holidays and preparing the relevant car trip. A stop in the preparations to read some recommendations of the Area 44 Psychopedagogical Center to make the journey more enjoyable, because when children have to sit for several hours without moving, it is very normal for them to get bored, to keep asking "how much is left ", try to get rid of the seat belt, etc.

Our partner Dolores already gave us some advice last summer, also our partner Elda proposed us his and surely you can expand the list.

The report of the mentioned center encourages us to Let us involve the children in the trip, because they will enjoy it more by feeling like they participate. Prepare the itinerary with them by consulting the map, pointing out the places they will go through, where they can stop to stretch their legs and expand for a while playing, looking for information about the climate of the area, vegetation, etc., and then living all Preparations during the trip. Preparing the luggage with the children also involves them in the project, so they can choose and evaluate (together with the parents) what toys will help them make the trip less heavy.

The mood of the parents must be positive at all times for children to take the trip as a fun adventure, that is, not to mention “how heavy the trip is and that you have to behave well and be still”, but “let's go to have a lot of time to play, sing and see landscapes during the trip, how good we are going to have!

Many parents now opt for the installation of a DVD in the car or the use of portable video consoles for children to be entertained on trips, but according to psychopedagogues, these devices "cause visual fatigue, headache, and isolate the children around them, which leads to a rapid onset fatigue, which will cause undesirable behavior during the trip. "

It may be, but who is reluctant to put a movie on children having the device to have fun for more than an hour? We do not believe that this is very negative, the important thing is to alternate activities during the trip, a while he sings, for a while he plays, another one stretches his legs and also talks.

The rules of behavior that must be maintained so as not to disturb the driver, must also be clear before starting the trip, safety comes first, and children must be explained so that they understand.

Video: How to prepare your child for international travel (May 2024).