The baby begins to acquire language from four days of life

In a very interesting interview published by the Argentine newspaper La Nación, the neurolinguist Jacques Mehler, specialist in the process of language acquisition in babies, says something surprising.

Ensures that at four days of life brain activation signals are already detected in the baby denoting that the language acquisition process began.

I find the age so early that babies begin to detect certain parameters that, according to the French CNRS emeritus researcher and professor at the Trieste International Advanced School of Advanced Studies, work as “switches” that the baby turns on and off listening to the speakers around you.

The interview is very interesting, absolutely recommended. He explains that the baby first learns grammatical particles, such as prepositions or articles, since they are the ones he hears most frequently.

He also talks about other very curious questions about the process of acquiring language, which he says is innate.

It ends with something very interesting that we talked about recently.

It indicates that the videos or CDs that claim to increase the baby's linguistic abilities are a myth, that it is not possible to teach him the words that parents want when we want, because each baby acquires the language at his own pace.

Video: Learn How Baby Kittens Grow: 0-8 Weeks! (July 2024).