More public fertility centers

Every year 20,000 cases of infertility are diagnosed, of which a great majority are treated after two or three years. This long wait pushes couples to resort to private centers, giving up what the public can offer. We find it completely normal, such a long wait often becomes unsustainable and more, if the couple's age exceeds a certain timeline.

This fact is cause for denunciation and more effort and more means are requested by the Public Health to solve the problem. The search for a child is sometimes very long, until about two years pass the gynecologist does not start taking action on the matter, at that time the different tests begin to try to find the problem and finally the corresponding process will begin to achieve pregnancy In the end, the search for pregnancy can take several years. It is not surprising that private centers that provide adequate treatments and techniques to achieve pregnancy begin to proliferate, up to 80% of the infertility centers in our country are private, only 20% are public, which makes them really insufficient for the great existing demand.

If every year there are 20,000 new cases of couples who have infertility and fertilization treatments range between 3,000 and 5,000 euros in the case of in vitro fertilization and between 600 and 800 euros for artificial insemination treatments, of course the private centers benefit Very good of this situation. Infertility is a problem with a solution that does not have to pass "bill", being able to have a child is not a luxury, for many, being parents is a necessity.

There is much talk about low birth rates and the government's concern about this situation, demonstrating it is easy, they simply must increase the number of public centers to allow access to everyone, and reduce costs.

Video: The Fertility-Diabetes Connection. Mehboob Hussain, . (May 2024).